Cuba: Imprisoned dissident rapper calls on Cubans to continue fight for freedom
Aug 28, 2013 | Posted by: roboblogger | Full story: Babalu Blog

The plight of imprisoned Cuban dissident rapper El Critico could be a great cause for Jay-Z and Beyonce to take on and show the world they are not an insensitive, elitist American celebrity couple only interested in enjoying fine cigars and expensive cognac while visiting Cuba as VIP guests of the Castro brothers' apartheid dictatorship.
Pieces of the Island
"Pieces of the Island"-An Inglés Translation
Relatives of jailed dissident rapper call on artists and activists to demand his freedom (Video)

Yudisbel Roseyo Mojena , wife of rapper dissident and political prisoner Angel Remon Yunier Arzuaga "The Critic" , has-been passing through some very difficult moments These During three months in her husband Which has-been behind bars. She has had to raise Their newborn child (only 4 months old) on her own, while she has had to go through to try and Countless Difficulties visit Remon Arzuaga in Las Mangas Prison of Bayamo.
The musician was violently arrested by the political police on the 26th of March Because he handed out pamphlets pro-freedom, anti-regime messages painted outside his home and Carried out to public discourse in behalf of human rights. Friends have Also assured That Remon's protest music Within the hip-hop duo The Children That Nobody Wanted (The Unwanted Children) is another of the Reasons Why I has-been taken to prison, Considering That his music has Attracted much attention from locals, Especially the youth.
Inside of Las Mangas Prison, The has-been Confronting Critical multitude numerous complications.
" Right now, Angel Yunier is not receiving medical attention although I Suffers from an ulcer and chronic gastritis , "Explains Yudisbel to this blog," Also his jailers are Refusing to grant him access minutes of phone Which he is supposed to receive . "
In Addition, the young mother denounces That When She travels to the prison to visit her husband, " State Security always forms a problem. Each time I visit him it's a different scenario. Sometimes they say They Can not bring him out one at that moment, other times They tell me I have to leave first, etc ".
Another tactic of the Authorities is to try and blackmail and Involve the rapper into common Committing a crime, a practice employed by regime Authorities Often against prisoners of conscience. He has-been completely resisting These Pressures.
" jailers are trying to find him a problem with a common prisoner to accuse him of a crime common Considering That They have nothing else to accuse him of. The accusation For Which I have is in prison is for 'attempt' but there is absolutely no proof. In reality, State Security Attempted against his life in March , "said Yudisbel. Police forces raided Remon Arzuaga's home and beat him and other relatives, his aunt Among them Jaqueline Garcia , a member of the Ladies in White .
The main aggressor That day was the State Security Chief Known as Julius Caesar, the same person who is now trying to Involve Angel Yunier in a common crime. This agent has taken up the task of personally persecutting the activist as well as other members of the opposition in Bayamo.
That Explains Yudisbel Julio Cesar Also PARTICIPATED in a beating against her during an act of repudiation When she was 8 months pregnant, Causing her injuries and leading to a sharp rise in her blood pressure, producing health complications. She Feared That her pregnancy would be interrupted and aborted.
" Julio Cesar Physically assaulted me in an attempt to take my cell phone.I've hurt me on my stomach and I had to rush to the hospital, Where They refused to give me a medical certificate. I almost lost my pregnancy and I was hospitalized, Needing a blood transfusion , "she said.
Fortunately, Yudisbel was able to give birth without complications furhter, but now her husband have not Been able to spend time with Their young son.
Yudisbel is calling on all Cubans in and out of the island to demand freedom for her husband. She has called on independent Especially musicans and the community of exiled artists.
" I would like to ask everyone, Especially the artists, to please raise your voices to Achieve the liberation of Yunier as well as the rest of the political prisoner unjustly behind bars. That kind of support would be an enormous help , "she Declared.
The Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) , a dissident organization Which Angel Yunier Also belongs to, has published a series of videos on Their YouTube channel Which Demonstrate the musician's wife as well as other relatives and friends demanding his release.
This is an edited version (with subtitles Inglés) of some of These videos, where relatives and friends show solidarity with angel Yunier Their Remon Arzuaga, "The Critic"