Grave human rights crisis in Cuba after the elections in Venezuela
- 1,500 political detainees reported on 3 December by the CCDHRN , all-time record of arrests in Cuba within a month
- Six government assaults UNPACU regional headquarters, the largest human rights organization in Cuba in half a month
- Siege Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the peaceful opposition of Human Rights, which has been threatened with incarceration following the outcome of the elections in Venezuela
- UNPACU thanked his Venezuelan brothers solidarity against those who have also looted and subjected to his country, Cuban authorities
UNPACU. 09/12/2015
In the words of Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. "
The escalating repression of the Castro regime against human rights in Cuba, and with special emphasis against Ladies in White and the Patriotic Union of Cuba, UNPACU , it is manifested in various ways without predentes escalated in the last two weeks. -not Policiales- simple assault raids, special forces armed for war, are again, these days, one of the favorites for the dictatorship to reduce the ability of non-violent struggle for respect for human rights methods and democratization of the nation.
First of these assaults on UNPACU IN THE LAST 17 DAYS
The November 22, 2015 the political police with other repressive forces of the Interior Ministry, Interior Ministry, raided the home of Fernando Vázquez Guerra, located at number 272 Camino de la Matanza, between 2nd and 3rd, Cast Bella Vista, Camagüey. Vazquez War and activist Ramón Vasallo Marrero were arrested and beaten. Housing agents a camera, two memories, documentation of the organization, two flags, the Cuban and the UNPACU, over fifty DVD, printed, took private correspondence. Fernando Vazquez Guerra is the coordinator of the UNPACU in Camaguey province.
Two days later, the 24th of that month, the political police and other agents of the Interior Ministry, entered arbitrarily at the home of Roberto Formigo Ortiz, located at Bravo Chewy No: 64 y Medio, between 4th and 5th, Reparto Santa Barbara, Santiago de Cuba, where lies the headquarters of the cell UNPACU by a Cuba Libre. Here they occupied all printed material and audiovisual discs with the organization found. They also seized a camera, a mobile and memories. Formigo Ortiz was more than forty-eight hours in detention.
On November 27 the political police of the Interior Ministry special forces stormed the headquarters of the cell bearing the name UNPACU March 18, in the neighborhood of La Ceiba, Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba province.Here just they found printed and some discs. Because it was clear that the attacks would continue and be increased, we decided to save our scarce resources safe places of work. In this assault they sought money, toys and food for an activity for children from poor families. The Coordinator of this cell is named Victor Campa Almenares.
Sunday December 6 in the morning, while they were detained over 160 members UNPACU participating or attempting to participate in the Campaign all marched, demanding the release of political prisoners, the political police with armed special forces entered Geordanis housing Muñoz Guerrero, where it had begun a children's activity. The repressive forces began to beat against two activists in front of more than thirty children who panicked at such brutality. Five activists were arrested, two hit. They are seeking toys, sweets and soft drinks for infants. They did not find them.
In a demonstration that the people are losing their fear, one hour after the attackers had retreated more than a hundred children and parents over forty activity he continued without the presence of its main organizer. This could only take five thousand white sheets for printing news and messages to the population. We had ruled out the assaults when activities were developed with the children present. We always thought the assaults take place earlier.But we were wrong, the dictatorships become frightened and lash out blindly to a children's activity against dozens of children present.
December 8 yesterday held the fifth assault, this time against the headquarters of the UNPACU in Guantanamo province. 5. At 00 am shot down with a battering ram doors Coordinator UNPACU there Yoanni Beltrán Gamboa and his mother and two brothers living in the same corridor. Agents of the Special Brigade of the Interior Ministry, with long arms and handcuffing came knocking anyone who got in their way. They took prisoners Yoanni Yordani Beltran and his brothers and Yonny Camacho. Juana, the mother of Beltrán Gamboa, got sick and see so much violence against their children and had to be taken to the hospital. Osmundo Father Beltran, altered, decided injured in the arm in protest. He also needed medical attention.
In this case the police decided to take political ownership of the organization objects and family properties. From UNPACU they occupied a laptop, three cameras, three banks and two mobile phones with their boots. Also printed and records and information organization. Yoanni relatives of Beltran a laptop, a DVD player, four memory, four mobile phones and chargers away. They also took food for pigs, belonging to a brother of the opposition. Even the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses Joan Gamboa and school books child 10 years of Yoanni were taken away. The child was also badly affected.
Yoanni Beltran and his brother Yordani still detained in the main detention center in the city.
UNPACU assault Headquarters in Havana. Housing Arcelio Rafael Molina Leyva, activist UNPACU in Havana, located at number 2103, Apartment 5 Calle 30 between 21 and 23, was raided early in the morning and it was still occupied by agents of the political police and other repressive forces of the Interior Ministry in the early hours of the morning.
CONTINUING repressive action and methodical
It appears that these attacks continue throughout the country against the headquarters of our Organization and against any house where police suspected political means we can have printing and reproduction of audiovisual materials. During the month of December and early January 2016, you may continue raiding homes looking for toys and other items intended for children's activities.
During last October's two main UNPACU headquarters in Havana and Santiago de Cuba, they were raided. Also another home of some friends in Palma Soriano where a printer and a DVD player were. In the assault on the headquarters of the Capital activists they stripped three computers, three printers and other teams. Since the founding of the UNPACU in August 2011 to date we have been victims of more than twenty rounds of this type.
The goal in Cuba is sigueinte defender and ally of democracy in Venezuela, and UNPACU leader in Cuba, Jose Daniel Ferrer. Its aim is to contain imprison coordinating UNPACU on dates indicated where it is expected a new and different view of the expected renewed Republic of Venezuela to their fellow human rights in Cuba.
The Cuban dictatorship fears most, and more after the setback for their allies in Venezuela, to the activities organized by the peaceful opposition in Cuba involving increasing numbers of people. The growing power of convening the UNPACU worry much.
The short-term detentions, beatings, leave without clothes activists in unpopulated areas many kilometers from their homes, new activists imprisoned, psychological torture and physical in prisons, arbitrary and heavy fines, use common criminals so stoned the houses of the activists at night or assault and beat them on the street, they are some of the methods used against activists UNPACU and other organizations currently.
The last of the maneuvers of the dictatorship against UNPACU was fined three hundred pesos to Jose Daniel Ferrer, General Coordinator of the UNPACU, by a false accusation that more than a year ago made a political police agent, Ernesto Jimenez, by alleged injuries. Given the fact that they are imprisoning members of our organization for refusing to pay high and unfair fines, impose Jose Daniel Ferrer arbitrary penalty is a weapon of double edge , if subjected and the pay, which is not going to do, would have to pay over two hundred thousand pesos of fines imposed on over a hundred activists across the country. If you do not pay, they will be imprisoned as they have done recently with four activists.
The Venezuelan people have had enough. UNPACU have rejoiced to see how people have struggled and that is defeating the tyranny imposed by Nicolas Maduro. The Cuban people can not express themselves and do not have tools for this and is punished terribly when he dares to communicate peacefully.
Now, more than ever, when the Cuban regime is weaker than ever but more fiercely castigates the defenders of human rights in Cuba, thanks its Venezuelan brothers your always generous solidarity and encouraged to maximizing production of possible degrees these days. Unfortunately, the Cuban government has been key to the repression in Venezuela. From inside Cuba we work harder than ever for our government to cease its interference in Venezuela, a shame and a lifelong debt that sister country for our people. Therefore the pressure from sources on violations of human rights in Cuba is more necessary and may be more effective than ever.